American Staffordshire Terrier morphological characteristics

Morphological characteristics of the American Staffordshire Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier ( Confirmed introduction)

The ideal shoulder height of American Staffordshire Terrier dogs should be 45.7-48.3cm, and the ideal shoulder height of female dogs should be 43.2-45.7cm. The ideal body weight should be 18-23kg, and both male and female dogs fall within this range. The dog's shoulders are healthy, muscular, flat, broad, and slightly sloped.
The head is of average size and depth, with a wide skull, full cheek muscles, and obvious edges and corners; the eyes are set high. Ears - cropped ears may not be cropped, but the latter is often used. Uncropped ears should be short, erect or about half erect. Sagging is a fault. Eyes - Deep and round, set in the center of the skull and widely spaced apart. The eyelids are angular. Kiss--Long, round, and breaking just below the eyes. The jaws are obvious, the lower collar is overhanging, brittle and hard, and the bite is strong. The lips are closed, sometimes even tight. The upper teeth are against the outside of the lower teeth. The nose is black.
The neck is strong and slightly arched, tapering gradually from the shoulders to the back of the head. No relief for the skin. Medium length.
The back is slightly short. There is a slight slope from the shoulder blades to the croup, and there is also a slight slope at the base of the tail. The waist is slightly arched.
The ribs of the torso are well spread, closely spaced, and slightly retracted at the back. The front legs are widely spaced, allowing for good chest development. Chest deep and broad.
The tail is short relative to the body shape, low in position, gradually tapering to the tip, not curved or tilted above the back. No tail docking.
Forelegs are straight, strong, round-boned, and erect at the wrist. There is no reluctance to move forward. The thigh muscles are well developed, pointing downward at the hock joints, neither abducting nor adducting. The feet are of moderate size, well arched and tight. The pace is bouncy, no wobbling, no pacing.
The coat is short, dense, feels hard and smooth. The coat is allowed to come in all colors, solid, parti-colored, or patterned, but all white, more than 80 percent white, and liver color are not encouraged.

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