African tree snake appearance characteristics

Shape characteristics of African tree snakes
African tree snakes

African tree snakes are mainly distributed in tropical Africa. They are diurnal snakes. Their venom is highly toxic and has led to many deaths. After being bitten by an African tree snake, the blood will not coagulate and will only bleed to death.

The African tree snake is a medium-sized yellow-jawed snake, with a body length of about 1.5 to 2 meters, and its scales are obviously ridged and arranged in a skewed manner. The eyes of the African tree snake are relatively large and the head is short, so its huge rear fangs are quite close to the front of the mouth; its body color also varies, with the adult snake being bright green, brown or black, and some have the same color all over the body , some are disordered with freckles, patches or stripes. The back of the young snake is gray or brown, the sides of the body are lighter, and the belly and lips are white. The African tree snake is one of the few deadly colubrid snakes with its large posterior furrow teeth.

