Clumber Hunter Snipe Dog (Definite Introduction)
The ideal body height of a Clumber Snipe dog should be 45.7-50.8 cm, and the ideal body height of a female dog should be 43.1-48.2 cm. The body weight of a male Sandpiper dog should be 35.8-38.6 kg, and the ideal body weight of a female dog should be 24.9-31.6 kg. Dogs that do not fall within this category are considered faulty.
Head: The head is thick and heavy, with a prominent stop and heavy eyebrows. The top of the skull is flat, with the occipital bone extending past it. There is a slight indentation in the center of the eye that spreads rapidly to the center of the skull.
Ears: The upper ends of the ears are wide and the auricles are rich. The ears are triangular in shape, with rounded bases, low on the skull, and close to the level of the eyes.
Eyes: dark lake color, large, with gentle eyes. The eyes are deep-set, and the eye sockets may be diamond-shaped, or they may be "V"-shaped at the lower end and arc-shaped at the upper end.
Nose: The nose is large, square, and the color is brown, including beige, rose and cherry.
Neck: The Clumber Snipe has a long neck, and loose skin or excess flesh on the throat is not a fault. The neck is rich and muscular, blending well into the well-sloping shoulder blades.
Topline: Straight and strong, long and flat.
Chest: Deep and well supported by ribs. Chest deep and broad.
Tail: Always held level with the topline or slightly higher, never tucked between the legs. The tail may be docked or natural, and both conditions are acceptable. If the tail is docked, the length of the tail must be in perfect proportion. If the tail is natural, the coccyx should extend to the hock, but not to the ground.
Coat: The coat on the body is deep, straight, and even. It can protect against harsh weather very well,
It feels soft to the touch and has no roughness. The hair on the ears is straight and slightly feathered. The legs and belly are moderately feathered. The Clumber Spaniel has good neck makeup and in all cases there is no hair that can be shaved off the throat.
Coat color: The main color is white, with lemon or orange patterns on the coat. Patterns often appear on one or both sides of the ears and face. The facial pattern covers one or two eyes, and the tone of voiceFreckles and patches on top of head.