Appearance characteristics of white leopard ratfish

Shape Characteristics of the White Leopard Rat Fish
White Leopard Rat Fish (Definite introduction)

The white leopard rat fish is a species of bottom fish and is a very popular species. Their unique fluorescent white color will look particularly beautiful when the water quality is healthy, and The white leopard rat fish has a gentle personality and can be kept with many fish.

The white leopard ratfish has a petite body, a round mouth, and more black freckles on the side than the sea bandit rat. There is a black band across the eyes, and the dorsal and tail fins have no freckles. It turns out that there is another type 2 of the white leopard ratfish, and the body color is different from type 1. The body color of type 1 is silver-gray, while the characteristics of type 2 are yellowish brown, and the dorsal fin of type 2 is black, and the upper part of the fin is black. There are freckles too.

