Giant snake-necked turtle species introduction_1

Giant snake neck Introduction to species of turtles
Giant snake-necked turtle

The giant snake-necked turtle is the largest snake-necked turtle , the maximum plastron can reach 50cm. Like other turtles of the genus Snake-necked Turtle, the giant snake-necked turtle also has a very long neck, the whole body is beige or brown, the carapace has no markings, and the number of captive turtles is not large.

Chinese name: Giant snake-necked turtle

English Name: Giant snake-necked turtle

Kingdom: Animalia




Subclass:None Conia, also known as the subclass Cylindria


Family: Hydronidae

Genus: Hyperdylus

Species: Giant snake-necked turtle

Geographical distribution: Australia.

Growth methods:Ovilay.

Customs: Rest in freshwater lakes and marshes.

Appearance characteristics: The carapace is light green or brown, and the plastron is beige.

