Introduction to the species of pinecone lizard

Introduction to the types of pine cone lizards
Pine cone lizards

I believe many people have heard of novels about pine cone lizards, and they are really touching. The main reason why pine cone lizards are famous is because they like to enjoy their sunbathing comfortably in pairs on the side of roads paved by humans. , I will remain loyal to my significant other until death.
The pine cone lizard looks very much like a pine cone. To be more precise, it is ugly. However, it is ugly and cute. It has a fat body and walks slowly. In the world of lizards, it is famous for its swiftness. , it is one of the few lizards that can be easily caught by us humans. However, because of its slow movement, it often encounters disasters caused by speeding cars while pacing in pairs.
Chinese name: Pine cone lizard
English name: Trachydosaurus rugosus
Kingdom: Animal kingdom
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrates
Class: Prostozoa
Diapsida, Lepidosauria
Order: Lacertiformes or Squamata
Family: Skinkidae (a family of cylindrical lizards scattered throughout the world)
Genus: trachydosaurus
Species: Pine cone lizard
Dispersed: Northern and eastern Australia.

