The Almanac Terrier( (Definite introduction)
The Irish Terrier, also known as the Irish Red Terrier, is mainly distributed in the mountainous areas of Ireland. The ideal weight for a male dog that meets the conditions is 12.2 kg and a female dog is 11.3 kg. Kilogram; height approximately 45.7 cm. The physique and bone structure should be sound and not clumsy, as speed, strength and endurance are required of the dog. The Irish Terrier should be an organic combination of game speed and perfect appearance.
The complete appearance of the Alpine Terrier is more important. In terms of form, the various parts must be uniform, proportional and coordinated, which means that they must express the characteristics of the Irish Terrier. This dog must be active, agile as metal, and lively and angry.
It has rough hair, long legs, special appearance, and a style similar to the Elval Terrier. The head is long but in proportion to the rest of the body; the skull is flat, the distance between the ears is narrow, and the distance between the eyes is narrow. The jaw is healthy and strong, but the cheeks are not very full and of moderate length. The left and right layers of hair are similar in quality and long. Teeth should be thick, symmetrical, white and strong, and not too long or too short. The lips are closed, of suitable size, and the color is almost black. Nose black. Eyes dark brown, small, no larger than normal, bright, intelligent, with a rich complexion. Ears are small, V-shaped; of average thickness; located on the appropriate part of the head, close to the outer corners of the eyes when looking forward. The top of the ears should be ideally located on the horizontal line of the skull, and the neck should be of appropriate length.
Hindquarters are sound and straight. The loin is also healthy and strong, slightly bent, with the ribs well extended, deep rather than rounded, reaching to the level of the elbow. The feet are strong, round and slightly small, the toes are curved, neither overspread nor inverted, and the toenails are black. The soles of the feet are deep. Legs slightly long, in proportion to the shoulders, erect, with sound bones and well developed muscles. When moving forward, the front and rear legs move toward the front line; the back knee joints do not extend. The overall color is bright red, golden yellow, reddish yellow or wheat color.
Brief description
The body structure is thick and healthy, with plenty of bone mass, not clumsy, and has excellent speed, strength and endurance. Body length is average. The reverse side is thick and straight. The loin is thick and muscular, slightly arched. The head is relatively long, but in proportion to the rest of the body; the head is flat, with a narrow space between the ears; no wrinkles. The jaws are thick and muscular, but the cheeks are not full and elongated. The face shape is extremely refined.The length and quality of the hair on the left and right jaws are similar to the hair on the body, with enough length to make the face appear thick and complete. The teeth are thick and neat, and the face is white and strong. The lips are closed and the complexion is black. The nose is black. The eyes are dark brown in color; small, but not too large; full of energy, concern and intelligence, showing a caring gaze. The ears are small and V-shaped. The hair on the ears is short and slightly darker than the hair on the body.
The neck is of moderate length, gradually broadening towards the shoulders; no fat on the throat. The hair on both sides of the neck is slightly curved and spreads to the corners of the ears. The shoulders are lean, long and sloping well back. Chest deep and muscular, but not oversized or broad. Hindquarters thick and muscular; thighs strong; hocks close to the ground; stifle joints moderately flexible. The tail is generally docked, with 1/4 of the total length removed. The tail is set high at the base but not curved; the hair is of moderate length and the coat is coarse and stiff. The toes are thick, fairly round, and relatively small; the toes are arched upward, neither turning in nor turning out, and the toenails are dark in color. The pads are deep, extra thick and non-cracking. The legs are of moderate length, well integrated with the shoulders, fairly straight, with plenty of bone and well developed muscles; the elbows are on the sides of the body; the wrists are short, straight, and inconspicuous. When running, both front and rear legs are directed forward; the hind knee joints must not turn outward. The legs are uncoated and the hair on the legs is of the same quality as the hair on the body.
The coat is deep and has wire-like bristles. The hair is rich and does not look smooth. In fact, it is very close to the body. The hair is so close and strong, so when you use your fingers to pluck the hair, the skin is almost uncomfortable. It seems that the hair on the sides of the body is not as thick as the hair on the back or legs, but it is abundant and of good quality. Underneath the rough coat, there is a layer of fine, soft, slightly lighter undercoat. Colors include fire red, golden red, wheat red or wheat color. Some chests have white patterns. Occasionally, puppies will have black hair on their bodies when they are born, but this will disappear when they reach adulthood.