The correct way to feed garlic water to parrots

The correct way to feed garlic water to a parrot is to feed it regularly. Do not feed it when it is sick. Garlic water has a preventive effect, but it cannot cure the disease. When the parrot gets sick, it is important to give it medicine. According to the actual The symptoms should be treated, and blindly feeding it garlic water may aggravate the condition.

The precise way to feed garlic water

Garlic water The correct way to feed parrots

It needs to be emphasized that garlic water is not omnipotent. The main function of garlic water is antibacterial and preventative, and it can strengthen the parrot's body. It is useless for parrots that are already sick or angry, and may even aggravate the condition.

The precise way to feed garlic water to parrots

Parrots that are really sick must take medicine for treatment. Antibiotics and other medicines are used according to the specific symptoms of the parrot. Be sure not to abuse medicine, and don't just feed garlic water.

The precise way to feed garlic water to parrots

The self-healing ability of parrots is still relatively strong. If it is just a common cold, focus on keeping warm when it is cold, cooling down when it is hot, keep the environment clean, and pay attention to appetite. Generally speaking, there are no major problems with parrots that can still eat. If they don’t eat, they can be force-fed.

