Introduction to mosquito fish species_1

food Introduction to species of mosquito fish
Mosquito fish

 Chinese name:Mosquito fish
 English Name: mosquitofish
Common names: wicker fish, big belly fish, mountain pit fish, big-eyed jingle fish, white-headed woman, big-bellied slap, etc. It is native to the southeastern United States, Mexico and Cuba, and has been introduced to countries all over the world.
Physical characteristics:From the external characteristics, it is very similar to the medaka. I think that only small differences can be seen in the snout and anal fin: the snout of the medaka is slightly upturned, and the anal fin is more open (truncated).
Customs:Basically similar to the customs of Medaka. However, the ability of mosquito fish to adapt to the environment is much better than that of medaka! It can live in salty water and water bodies with different environments. It is omnivorous, grows quickly, has strong growth ability, is ovoviviparous, and can withstand temperature differences (5-40°C), low oxygen and infectious environments.
Another important point is that mosquitofish (especially male fish) are extremely aggressive and will even take the initiative to surprise fish that are twice their size. The characteristic of the attack is to tear off the fins of fish and even kill them. All these characteristics combined naturally become the dominant species, causing considerable pressure on local fish with similar ecological niches.
It is worth pondering that mosquitofish is also called western mosquitofish, while guppy (Poecilia reticulata), sailfin jasmine (Poecilia latipinna), moonlight (Xiphophorus maculatus), etc. are also called eastern mosquitofish ( eastern mosquitofish).

