How do you tell whether a golden retriever puppy is pure or not? The shorter and thicker the mouth of a golden retriever puppy, the better. The coat color is golden yellow, very shiny, and does not feel rough to the touch. The forehead should be broad and flat, and the eyes should be pure. When looking directly at the front line, the whites of the eyes should not be exposed. The paws are naturally closed and not separated, and the tail hangs diagonally downward when the golden retriever puppy stands still.

The shorter and thicker the mouth of a golden retriever puppy, the better. The mouth of an adult dog is square and wide, but not long or pointed.
Coat color
The coat color of purebred golden retriever puppies is indeed golden yellow, and the color is very good, and it does not feel rough to the touch.
The forehead is wide and flat, with pure eyes.
When a good purebred golden retriever adult dog looks directly at the front, the whites of its eyes should not be exposed.
The claws naturally close, not open.
When buying a golden retriever baby, when the purebred golden retriever's tail is standing still, the tail must be hanging diagonally.