Turtles with missing jaws
People have always believed that turtles with missing jaws are Chinese grass turtles. It is a hybrid product of a turtle and a yellow-throated aquatic turtle. However, it remains to be proven by scientists that this is not the case. Indeed, this is a species that looks similar to the Chinese turtle and at the same time has the characteristics of a yellow-throated aquatic turtle. It is very Good look.
Chinese name: Gallet-jawed turtle
Other name :Guangxi flower turtle
Latin name:Ocadia glyphistoma
English name:Guangxi stripe-necked turtle
Kingdom:Animal Kingdom
Subphylum:Vertebrates Subphylum
Order: Turtles
Suborder: Turtles
Subfamily:Freshwater Cheloninae
< p style="text-indent:28px">Genus: TetrasSpecies: Tetras
Distributed: Only distributed in Guangxi, China
Living habits: Under artificial breeding conditions, the chinless turtle likes warmth and is afraid of cold, and it is suitable for hibernation when the water temperature is around 10°C.
Food habits: Omnivorous, the feeding habits in the wild are unknown. Under artificial conditions, they will eat lean pork, fish, etc. They are more lively and can eat boldly in front of their owners.
Growth method: In captivity, a female turtle with a carapace length of 214 mm laid 6 eggs at the end of October 1989. The eggs were oblong and had fragile shells. , the long diameter of the egg is 38.7~41.6, the balance is 39.76 mm, the short diameter is 24.0~25.2, the balance is 24.53 mm
Physical characteristics: Maxillary bite. There is a notch in the center of the edge, which is not found in other species of the genus. The length of the carapace reaches 199 mm in males and 180 mm in females.